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Welcome to Miyoko-teddy.blogspot.com
Saturday, December 26, 2009Y
School reopen...yeah!!!

hey guys, i'm back^^ gonna go back to school!! yippee:D haiz...everytym at home can bored me to death sia coz always com, eat, slp, shop and work. This tym round, i'm determine study like hell, like when i'm in sec 1 & 2^^ my AIM is to get gd results & go poly in 2011:P hopefully can lah coz my maths & english is my weakest subject and unfortunately is the IMPORTANT criteria to promote:( thinking of that sometimes make me lose my confident sia:( sob* well, hope that i wont lose my determination & motivation by then:) cya next tym!

heart blue w/ glitter 11:03 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009Y

Yo! i'm here again^^ 1 more week left before school starts...abit excited & nervous of which class i'm at:D Haiz...thinking of going bintan for camp makes me feel tired coz i dont wanna go!! Argh>.< but no choice coz its COMPULSORY!! why must it be compulsory??? enough of whiningXD well, today i went AMK hub with my family...quite fun, bought some new year clothes(abit early hor...but i like^^ hahas..) after that go eat & blah blah blah..nthing much leXD

heart blue w/ glitter 7:14 AM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009Y
wad a boring day:(

haiz...y mux rain today ley?? i wann go escape theme park sia!! bcoz of the weather then cannot go..go boring:( btw i'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to go work tmr ley..tmr christmas day ley then go work...spoilt my mood lor>.< but gt double pay le...$96 sia!!! haiz...dunnoe wad to do:(

heart blue w/ glitter 10:29 PM

Monday, December 21, 2009Y
Long tym no see^^

hiie every1 long tym no see alrdy:P hw r uue guys?? veri paiseh tat i long tym no update le coz veri lazy & hav work to do^^ but i tink is more to veri lazy to update bah..LOL hahas^^ Anyway it seems that time flies veri fast coz i tink ard 1+ week to sch reopen, quite looking forward to it! Well i'll stop here..cya next tym then:D

heart blue w/ glitter 10:57 PM

Friday, July 3, 2009Y
shOp 4 fUn!

wadsup guys^^ here 2 post again! well, today when TM de hokkaido fair with deedee and linna, so fun..hahas...OMG the food ther is lye darn nice, awesome aroma and no nid 2 say e price is lye SUPER exp de lor like e boiled kingcrab leg[4pieces for $100] tat is lye so off the limit/budget >< & so sad nvr buy nthin coz nid safe $$:( after which went CS, go c CDs and get deedee & linna 2 introduce wad show is nice lye thriller or the horrer ones. ltr pat cum CS find us then acc linna go take taxi coz she gonna go for tuition but her mother call say postpone the tym..luckily she nvr board the taxi..phew* hahas..then went back CS & c more CDs again..nthin 2 do mah cant be blamed de^^ next, i tink we go 3rd flr bah the service counter ther & chat..dunnoe wad happen: ps forget le lar, my dear linna and deedee when snatching each other stuff then pat help deedee. u noe wad i do? i jux sit ther watching gd show..nid 2 hav audience de mah. LOLs heheXD we sit ther lye abt 1hr ++ chatt abt wad we plannin 2 do after N-level and other stuff lah...laugh until lye hell>< overall, in my opinion its a fun day..opps study too many SS and hist le..hahas

heart blue w/ glitter 5:35 AM

Thursday, July 2, 2009Y

hiie ppl! long tym no see..hw r uue? seldom post le..today anyhw post sumting bah:) well today, i went 2 take my new uniforms..darn heavy LOR..haizz
next after schooL; me, deedee, patricia went TM for our lunch 1st then ltr decided 2 watch movie so w8 for you zhao & faizal..nice! AWESOME! cooL! movie i ever seeN^^ haha!

heart blue w/ glitter 6:03 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009Y

Phew! wad a day for me:)I've been wondering why when its weekend, public holiday or school holiday i able to wake up early,,but when its time to go school, i felt very tired..very strange indeed lol^^
Today, i wake up at around 8am and play computer for awhile, let the time flies quickly, waiting to go school for math remidial. To be exact, actually i've been given to choice. 1st would be CO, 2nd would be math remidial. For those whu noe me well, they should noe whats my choice..math remidial of course:)
Later @ around 4++pm, i will be going T1 with my mother, brother and sis..humm what will it be like over there..lets see! Cya..


heart blue w/ glitter 11:16 PM

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